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My parents
Tuesday, September 21, 20107:35 AM

I guess I inherited the 'want to be in charge' genes from my dad, and 'expensive = good' mindset from mum.

But over the years, these traits seems to slowly fade away. Traces of these traits can still be found in me but not as strong as before. I am developing my own character and personalities. My beliefs, values and principles are very different from that of my parents' I quite sure.

I am now sculpting myself into 'myself'. Someone unique.

I guess thats growing up.

I've been quite emotional about seeing my parents growing older by day and wanting to give them the best. I hope to graduate asap.

Love my folks, when they don't come and nag or irritate me.


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I can't sing
Photobucket Young, at age 22, but bound to serve the nation. I dance, sleep and drink to kill time. mugging my life away. I'm learning to be contented with what I have.

Polaroid, Dance, Unicorn and Milk.

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Layout : materialisti-c
Resources: Disclaimer: I declare that this is not my own work. I ripped it off materialisti-c's work from blogskin and edited it. Her skin is fantastic but I personalised it. =)
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