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Nasty but its the fact of life
Monday, March 28, 201110:25 AM
Have you ever wondered why the younger generations are becoming increasingly better looking?

Well it just came across to me that this IS part of human evolution.

As Charles Darwin puts it, Natural Selection is the process where only the 'useful' (beautiful) variation is preserved.

"Nature encourages no looseness, pardons no errors" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The good looking people get married, have beautiful children. Children grow up to marry beautiful others. The chain goes on and the beautiful gene continues to live on.

As for Mr and Ms Ugly, they remain singles. :( No children because most remain unmarried.

I think thats life.

You can argue that there are people who goes beyond looks when choosing their partners. But how many of these people are there out there?

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I can't sing
Photobucket Young, at age 22, but bound to serve the nation. I dance, sleep and drink to kill time. mugging my life away. I'm learning to be contented with what I have.

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Layout : materialisti-c
Resources: Disclaimer: I declare that this is not my own work. I ripped it off materialisti-c's work from blogskin and edited it. Her skin is fantastic but I personalised it. =)
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