tuck studs fucktard lard
I know sex sells but I only write what I want. =)
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Nasty but its the fact of life
Monday, March 28, 201110:25 AM
Have you ever wondered why the younger generations are becoming increasingly better looking?

Well it just came across to me that this IS part of human evolution.

As Charles Darwin puts it, Natural Selection is the process where only the 'useful' (beautiful) variation is preserved.

"Nature encourages no looseness, pardons no errors" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The good looking people get married, have beautiful children. Children grow up to marry beautiful others. The chain goes on and the beautiful gene continues to live on.

As for Mr and Ms Ugly, they remain singles. :( No children because most remain unmarried.

I think thats life.

You can argue that there are people who goes beyond looks when choosing their partners. But how many of these people are there out there?

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Monday, November 29, 201010:14 PM
This is not what I signed up for and I will not put up with it. Enough of being taken advantaged of and taken fir granted of. No more Mr Nice guy.

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Wednesday, November 17, 20106:14 AM
Seems more like I signed on rather than my brother. He's seen at home more frequently than myself. :/

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Treasuring your belongings not after they are gone
Sunday, October 31, 20108:37 PM
I was screening through facebook and I came across a iPhone mobile uploaded photo of this mug that a friend had used. She commented that she has used that mug for close to 18 years.

It made me realise that I have quite a few 'ancient' furnitures/household items that I have had it at home for the longest time. The clock hanging on the wall in the living area, the dinning table, mugs at home, shelves and other carpentry at home, and many other things that have been around for at least a decade.

All these household items have been taken for granted over their useful life. We will only realise that we have taken for granted that it will serve its purpose for the foreseeable future. It may sound cliche but we only treasure the things around us when they are gone.

We should learn to really treasure the things around us as much as possible. Your parents, your belongings, whatever you have with you. :)

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Mirror of your hated person
Tuesday, October 26, 20102:36 AM
It's funny how we can say things about others but doesn't realise that we are like that ourselves.

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Younger Days
Wednesday, October 20, 20103:02 PM
I remember when I was younger I used to press the lift, then run to see the view from the 9th floor. Spy on everyone from above. And I love to see the Yishun Hill from the lift lobby. That was when I was younger and was too short to look down from the lobby that I needed to climb onto the walls.

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The amazing effect of inflation and obsoleting of technology
Sunday, October 17, 201010:43 PM
The computer I bought for $1999 ten years ago is now worth $1. Although I sold the monitor only, but I'm not expecting to get like $50. Maybe 4 or 5? $1 hmm... But I am not complaining. 1 less rubbish at home at least. 

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I can't sing
Photobucket Young, at age 22, but bound to serve the nation. I dance, sleep and drink to kill time. mugging my life away. I'm learning to be contented with what I have.

Polaroid, Dance, Unicorn and Milk.

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Layout : materialisti-c
Resources: Disclaimer: I declare that this is not my own work. I ripped it off materialisti-c's work from blogskin and edited it. Her skin is fantastic but I personalised it. =)
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