tuck studs fucktard lard
I know sex sells but I only write what I want. =)
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Friday, November 27, 200911:31 AM
I'm dancing a lot more recently. Preparing for the upcoming dance recital. I'm reminded of all the things that Ann used to tell me. Slowly I'm starting to understand why she does certain stuff.

Honestly speaking, its only recently that I understood what "full-out" means. I never really knew how to "full-out" until I've attended Eve's class. I never really explored how to use my body for dance.

Life's been good in NS. Why because its end of the year and I'm clearing my leave and offs now. Damn relaxed. HAHA!

I haven't met my friends for quite a long time. I know its only been a week since the last time I met my Poly friends but its considered long enough. And Jearl, I really cannot remember the last time I saw her.

I don't really know why dad and mum's been really naggy and poking their nose into everything nowadays. They don't used to bother me much but recently they've been screaming for my attention.

I haven't seen my cousins for a very long time too.

I'm just randomly typing. I'm so tired. And I think I shall stop now cause I'm just typing for the sake of posting.


got something to say? 0 blabber(s)
I can't sing
Photobucket Young, at age 22, but bound to serve the nation. I dance, sleep and drink to kill time. mugging my life away. I'm learning to be contented with what I have.

Polaroid, Dance, Unicorn and Milk.

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Layout : materialisti-c
Resources: Disclaimer: I declare that this is not my own work. I ripped it off materialisti-c's work from blogskin and edited it. Her skin is fantastic but I personalised it. =)
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